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Breakthrough Marksmanship: The Tools of Practical Shooting - de Ben Stoeger (Author)

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Le Titre Du FichierBreakthrough Marksmanship: The Tools of Practical Shooting
Date de Parution2019-03-26
TraducteurSrinika Ademide
Chiffre de Pages950 Pages
Taille du fichier35.45 MB
LangueAnglais & Français
ÉditeurLast Gasp
Format de LivreePub AMZ PDF BBeB SXW
AuteurBen Stoeger
Nom de FichierBreakthrough-Marksmanship-The-Tools-of-Practical-Shooting.pdf

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I have been teaching Practical Shooting for more than a decade Watching thousands of students fire millions of rounds over the years has taught me quite a lot about shooting

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